UX Little Paws

Multi-pet-app: This project is a one-stop hub for pet owners, offering easy access to a wide range of essential pet services like vets, groomers, sitters, and trainers.

Pet-Friendly Travel Planner: It assists pet owners in planning trips with their furry companions, from finding pet-friendly accommodations to discovering suitable activities and destinations.

Pet Lover Community:
The project brings together a community of pet enthusiasts, providing a platform for connecting, sharing experiences, and seeking advice, enhancing the pet ownership experience.

#UX #casestudy #research #homepets #multiapp


June -  August (7 weeks)


UX designer,  UX Researcher


Most pet owners face difficulties in finding services for their pets

As a pet owner, I understand the challenges of finding services for pets, especially during travel or relocation. My goal was to simplify this process with a mobile app that makes life easier for pet owners."


• Provide a list of pet-friendly accommodations;
• Offer health information for traveling with pets;
• Provide a packing list for essential pet items;
• Offer information on pet insurance;
• Include a community forum for pet owners to share information.


Starting with white paper research, I began to draw from research articles on the topic of troubles about
traveling with pets,  when I stumbled upon an eye-opening statistic from Wagwalking:

58% of pet parents report that getting to their destination is the biggest challenge while traveling.
47% of respondents singled out finding a pet-friendly place as the biggest problem;
43%  of finding pet-friendly restaurants is the biggest challenge faced when traveling with a pet.

"Nearly all travelers have faced challenges
taking their pets on trips"

To understand the strengths and weaknesses of competing products and services, and identify opportunities
for improvement and differentiation in my design, I did competitive research.


I’ve conducted the online survey consisting of 10 questions:

• 8 Closed-ended questions;
• 2 Open-ended questions.

I received 30+ responses from pet owners.
The key findings from the survey are the following:


Using the results of the survey and the answers to the open-ended questions,
I've formulated 3 main problems on which to base the main idea in the design of the app.
The key findings from the survey are the following:


I created User Persona by using the research findings and insights collected on the target user group.


To organize and structure content, I created Information Architecture. It helps to improve the overall user experience and make the application more user-friendly.


To provide a visual representation of the steps a user takes to accomplish a task or reach a specific goal within the application, I created User Flow.


Using insights, I develop wireframes to create visual representations of the layout and structure of the application.


After conducting User Research I have developed the Style Guide that includes colors, logo, typography, Grid and spacing, Icons and Components.


At first, I spent 2 weeks making prototypes and trying to play with different shapes and colors.
After I conducted Monitored Remote Usability Testing of the prototype by recruiting 8 potential users.
In this exercise, I first asked the participants to explore the platform on their own, after I gave the tasks.

1. Explore app.
2. Create an account.
3. Go to your profile.
4. Add a new pet.
5. Read the messages.
6. Add a new post in the community.
7. Book grooming for your dog.
8. Find the travel rules for traveling to Germany.
9. Find Accommodation.
10. Find the flight


Based on feedback from 8 potential users, I did some minor changes, such as adding “filter” button in grooming part, add navigation in Onboarding part and change the position of icon on the home menu . The feedback was positive.


Time to check out the most enjoyable part, high-fidelity prototypes.


Do you want to see more?Here you can try the app. Explore and enjoy!


This was my first-ever UX project ! 🎉.
I’m grateful to have been through an entire UX process so I can see what it’s actually like.
On that note, a few things I’ve learned:

1. User Research is Crucial. Understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the target users is essential for creating a user-centered design.

2. Iteration is Essential. Testing prototypes multiple times allowed me to refine the user experience based on user feedback and behavior.

3. User-Centered Design is a Continuous Process. Lastly, I learned that UX design is not a one-time activity but a continuous process. It requires ongoing evaluation and improvement based on user feedback and changing user needs.


You can also check the UI part of this project.

Little Paws UI.

UI Little Paws

#redesign #architecture_bureau #website

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